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NOTICE COVID-19 – Extraordinary measures regarding the emission of Schengen Visas

fonte: consolato Generale d’italia a Londra – vedi articolo


In the light of the Italian Government’s decree concerning the Covid-19 emergency (DPCM 09/03/2020), which extends the lockdown area and emergency measures nationwide, please be informed that extraordinary measures regarding the emission of Schengen Visas have been adopted.

A. If your application is pending:

  1. You can submit new travel bookings (hotel and flight) and travel insurance, ensuring that the trip starts at least from the 1st of July 2020 onwards;
  2. You can cancel your application, without being refunded. A request of cancellation must be sent to VFS if the application has been submitted at the VFS or to this General Consulate if the application has been submitted at the Visa Office.

B. If you have not yet applied:

  1. You can submit your application as per usual practice, ensuring that the trip starts at least from the 1st of July 2020 onwards.

C. If you have been already granted a Schengen Visa issued from this General Consulate and:

  1. You are able and still wish to travel to Italy, please be informed of the following:
  • Flights from and to Italy may be canceled, delayed or rerouted;
  • Internal movements between cities have been restricted and limited to workers and those in proven necessity (i.e. health issues);
  • All leisure, recreational, cultural, religious activities and sporting events are suspended. Therefore, museums, theatres, cinemas, churches are shut down;
  • Restaurants, coffee shops and pubs are following strict rules such as keeping each client a meter away from each other and closing down at 6 P.M.

The above mentioned measures will be effective until the 3rd of April 2020, unless further extensions.

2. You are not able to travel:

  • you can, if wished, submit new travel bookings (hotel and flight) and travel insurance, starting from the 1st of July 2020 onwards, without being charged again.

This applies only if the following conditions are met:

o If the current Visa is valid between the 1st of February and the 30th of June;

o If the Visa has not yet been used;

o If the travel bookings have not been refunded, proven by an hotel or travel agency declaration.

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