A)- I documenti da portare in ogni caso sono:
-Passaporto valido
-National Insurance Number
-Email che può essere consultata al momento dell’inoltro della domanda
-Indirizzo dove abita adesso la persona
-Cartellino verde rilasciato dalla polizia prima di gennaio 1973.
Inoltre è necessario avere con sé il proprio telefonino consultabile al momento dell’inoltro della domanda.
B)-Se viene richiesto la prova di residenza questi sono i documenti accettabili. Per essere sicuri i documenti debbono partire dal 2013 a ottobre 2019; (li elenchiamo qui di seguito in inglese come riportati dal sito dello Home Office cosi sarà più facile individuarli):
Evidence that covers longer periods of time
(documenti che si riferiscono a periodi lunghi e cioè da una certa data ad un’altra data certa)
Documents that cover a longer period of time between 2 dates include:
- -annual bank statement or account summary, showing at least 6 months of payments received or spending in the UK
- -employer letter confirming employment and evidence that the employer is genuine, for example, their Companies House number
- -council tax bill
- -letter or certificate from your school, college, university or other accredited educational or training organisation showing the dates you enrolled, attended and completed your course
- -invoice for fees from your school, college, university or other accredited educational or training organisation and evidence of payment
- -document showing a UK address from a student finance body in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland or from the Student Loans Company
- -residential mortgage statement or rental agreement and evidence of payment
- -letter from a registered care home confirming your residence there
- -employer pension contributions
- -annual business account of a self-employed person
- -a P60for a 12-month period – your P60 shows the tax you’ve paid on your salary in the tax year (6 April to 5 April). We may ask you for additional evidence to confirm that you were resident here for at least 6 months of that period.
- -a P45showing the length of your previous employment. You should get a P45 from your employer when you stop working for them.
Evidence that covers shorter periods of time
(documenti che si riferiscono ad una singola data)
These documents count as evidence for 1 month if they have a single date on. They can be used to cover a longer period of time if they have a start and end date covering longer than a month.
- bank statement showing payments received or spending in the UK
- payslip for a UK-based job
- water, gas or electricity bill showing a UK address
- landline or mobile telephone, TV or internet bill showing a UK address
- domestic bill, such as for home repairs, vet’s services or insurance, and evidence of payment
- card or letter from your GP, hospital or other healthcare professional confirming appointments you have made or attended
- letter from a government department, public service or charity that show you dealt with them on a particular date or for a particular period (for example Job Centre Plus or Citizens Advice)
- passport stamp confirming entry at the UK border
- used travel ticket confirming you entered the UK from another country
- invoice for work you have done in the UK and evidence of payment
Nota: I pensionati possono portare anche la lettera del DWP che li informa dell’aumento annuale della propria pensione britannica.
Inoltre, consigliamo coloro che sono venuti in Gran Bretagna prima del 1969 di portare il libretto verde rilasciato dalla polizia quando sono arrivati in Gran Bretagna e vistato dallo Home Office dopo i quattro anni di lavoro obbligatorio.